Do you have an aching back? Try yoga if you haven’t already. Numerous studies and also the experts of yoga in castle hill have demonstrated the effectiveness of this ancient discipline, which focuses on stretching, strength, and flexibility, in relieving back pain and improving function.
Yoga may potentially help minimise the need for pain medication, according to research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in July 2017. While there are many reasons for low back pain, a weak core and poor posture from sitting all day (which shortens the hip muscles and pulls on the lower back) are two of the most frequent. The yoga classes for kids offer gentle stretches for kids that can help in maintaining the perfect physique right from the beginning.
The following five poses from the experts can help to alleviate the pain –

This pose increases mobility and helps to reduce any stress in the lower back by allowing for good spine flexion and extension. Cat/cow also allows you to become more familiar with your neutral spine—one that is neither excessively arched nor too rounded—which can help you improve your posture.
Start the pose pressing on your hands and knees, with your shoulders over your wrists and your hips over your knees. Inhale and exhale slowly, rounding your back and lowering your head to the floor (this is referred to as the cat posture). Inhale and arch your back for the cow position, lifting your head, chest, and tailbone toward the ceiling. Hold it for 1–3 minutes.
Downward-Facing Dog
This classic forward bend can be both relaxing and revitalising. Many people have benefitted from back discomfort and sciatica by practising this stance. It not just helps in rectifying the body imbalance but also increases strength. To do this, maintain your hands on the floor and sit up on your knees and slowly lift your buttocks. Slowly and steadily, return to downward-facing dog. Spread with your fingers broadly and straighten your legs and lower your heels to the ground. Relax your head between your arms and stare up toward your belly button or through your legs.
Hold the position for 30–60 seconds

Standing Forward Bend
This posture also extends the backs of the thighs and lengthens the spine, which both help to reduce lower back pain. If straightening your legs irritates your back, modify by keeping your knees slightly bent. Start by standing with your feet at a shoulder apart distance. Straighten your legs as far as possible and hang your torso down. Pull your chin into your chest, loosen your shoulders, and stretch the crown of your head toward the floor to lengthen your spine. Try to be in this position for 30–60 seconds.
Upward-Facing Dog Stretches
Begin by lying flat on your back with your palms facing down by your ribcage. Lift your chest off the floor with the strength of your back, not your hands, while pulling your legs together and pressing the tops of your feet into the floor. At the start, keep your legs straight out in front of you. Repeat as needed, holding the position for 5 to 10 breaths.
Child’s Pose
Start on all fours and keep your arms straight out in front of you. Next, sit back until your glutes (butt muscles) are just above but not touching your heels. For a good, calming stretch, hold the position for 5 to 10 breaths and repeat as needed. This active stretching helps to elongate the back.