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Yoga Poses to Relieve Joint Pain

Yoga Poses to Relieve Joint Pain-Yogawithyogi

Do you suffer from joint stiffness, discomfort, or swelling? You’re not the only one who feels this way. It can be tough to conduct daily duties or exercise when you have joint pain, says the experts of yoga in castle hill. Regular mobility, on the other hand, is required to keep the joints healthy. And it is not just for adults but yoga classes for kids also promote flexibility and wellness in children.

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What is the best type of yoga for joint pain?

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is a good place to start if you’re suffering from joint pain. Hatha is a generic term that relates to any yoga that emphasises physical postures, which includes most varieties of Westernized yoga. Hatha yoga courses, on the other hand, usually consist of a sequence of static, moderate poses. While Hatha is frequently regarded as a beginner-friendly practise, don’t be fooled: it is both mentally and physically demanding!

Vinyasa Yoga

Depending on the tempo and intensity level of the class, vinyasa yoga may be a good fit if you have joint pain. Vinyasa classes are known for their “flows,” which consist of many poses connected together with the breath. If you have joint pain, a slower Vinyasa class can be a good option because you’ll get to appreciate Vinyasa’s fluid quality with plenty of options for adaptations. A faster-paced Vinyasa or “Power Vinyasa,” on the other hand, may be more taxing on the joints, especially if there are a number of chaturangas (yoga-style push-ups) involved.

Restorative Yoga

Restorative and Yin Yoga both allow you to do things slowly. Yin Yoga provides for deep connective tissue stretching, while Restorative Yoga helps to soothe the nervous system. Both use props (such as blocks, blankets, and bolsters) to make it as comfortable as possible to access the postures for longer durations.

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Five Yoga Poses to Help Relieve Joint Pain

Forward Fold

Place your feet hip-width apart and gradually fold at the hips, bending your knees as much as necessary to relax your neck and spine. If it helps you relax even more, nod your head “yes” and “no.” As you loosen your lower back, you’ll gently stretch your spine.

Bound Angle Pose (aka Cobbler’s Pose)

Sit and softly fold your hips by bringing the soles of your feet together. Try bringing your navel to the floor instead of your head to your feet, and change the distance between your feet accordingly to assist focus the posture on your hips. Tight hips may benefit from hip rotation through the sacroiliac (SI) joint.

Twisted Low Lunge 

Lunge forward, keeping your front foot underneath your knee and your rear knee on the mat (it may help to have a towel for cushioning under this back knee). To deepen the stretch in the rear hip-flexor, bring your hands to the ground for support or lift them overhead. Switch sides after a few breaths of holding. Also, you can try putting one hand to the mat and elevate the other to twist towards your front knee, experiencing the rotation in your mid-back.

Bridge Pose

Lie down on your back, arms by your sides. Place your feet under your knees, hip-width apart. Lift your hips off the ground by pressing into your feet and evenly using your glutes and leg muscle. Pull your shoulder blades together and roll into your triceps for additional chest expansion. You’ll obtain extension in your upper, middle, and lower spines, as well as hip and shoulder opening.

Cat & Cow Pose

Bring yourself to all fours, placing your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Lower your belly, pull your shoulder blades together, expand your collarbone, and elevate your chin into Cow Pose on an inhale. Push the ground away with an exhale, arch your back, and bring your chin to your chest for Cat Pose. For a few more rounds, alternate between the two stances. This allows for gradual shift through your wrists, shoulders, and spine at your own rate.

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